Directorate of Graduate Studies, Research and Publications (GSRP)

The Directorate of Graduate Studies, Research and Publications (GSRP) is envisioned as the torch bearer of the KAPATU mission, which is to provide transformative education by steering research, innovation, dissemination, and community outreach.

Director of Graduate Studies, Research and Publications

The Director

Dr. Katebire has a long teaching experience at University level, both in Uganda and abroad, where he has taught subjects in social and informational sciences. He has conducted interdisciplinary research in areas encompassing gender and human rights, governance and local governments, e- governance and communication interventions, and electronic publishing. He has a long experience in scholarly editing, peer review, and technical writing. He has also offered training and consultancy services to a wide clientele in research methods, proposal writing, and project development, monitoring and appraisal.

Directorate Overview

The Directorate of Graduate Studies, Research and Publications (GSRP) is envisioned as the torch bearer of the KAPATU mission, which is to provide transformative education by steering research, innovation, dissemination, and community outreach.

Research is the hallmark of the University of the Future. It is also the single most important function upon which the other core functions of the University – teaching, innovation, publication and community engagement – are predicated. Ultimately, research and publication take centre-stage at KAPATU insofar as they provide a pedestal for the teaching and learning functions, which in turn stimulate innovation and community outreach. These are vital for the realization of the KAPATU vision and mission. The mission of the GSRP is thus to enable the realization of the KAPATU vision and mission as stated.

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The GSRP is mandated inter alia to:

  • Liaise with the academic units of the University to design and deliver internationally competitive graduate programmes that transform individuals and communities.
  • Liaise with the relevant statutory bodies such as the National Planning Authority (NPA), National Council for Science and Technology (NCST), and National Council for Higher Education (NCHE) to identify the development needs of the country in order to map out a KAPATU research agenda that responds to those needs.
  • Spearhead the development of the KAPATU policies on graduate training, research and publication and superintend the implementation of those policies.
  • Offer guidance and leadership to other KAPATU units through coordination, harmonization and monitoring of all activities relating to graduate training, research and publication.
  • Identify critical areas of research, research partners, and sources of funding for high-impact collaborative research (the GSRP will build a database of research collaborators and funders).
  • Build capacity through skills training workshops for graduate students and staff, source and provide incentives for innovation and entrepreneurship, and facilitate research dissemination seminars and conferences.
  • Build and manage the KAPATU research portfolio, which includes periodic reporting (e.g. Online Bulletin Boards and Annual Research Reports) about planned, on-going and concluded research projects, innovations and publications.
  • Superintend the publication of the KAPATU flagship scholarly journal and the KAPATU Peace Files – a serial publication of sermons by the clergy and public lectures on peace and development topics.

Overall, the GSRP is a critical vehicle that will position KAPATU as a vibrant, distinct, and community-oriented University that is responsive to societal development challenges in the region and beyond.

What we do
