Faculty of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences (FAES)

At the Faculty of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences there is a strong focus on conducting research and teaching aimed at achieving stable and resilient agro-food systems in the Karamoja region and offering avenues to alternative sources of livelihood among the Karamojong and their neighbors.

Faculty Overview

At the Faculty of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences (FAES) there is a strong focus on conducting research and teaching aimed at achieving stable and resilient agro-food systems in the Karamoja region and offering avenues to alternative sources of livelihood among the Karamojong and their neighbors.

The many years of insecurity and overdependence on mainly only livestock resources has obscured the rich agricultural potential of the region as observed in the varying agricultural potential of the areas composing the Karamoja region.

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The lack of adequate utilization of the diverse agricultural agro-ecological potential of the region has inevitably predisposed the people to endless hunger episodes and malnutrition, which then contributes to the observed persistent poverty, conflict, disease and cases of avoidable mortality in the Karamoja communities. FAES desires to contribute immensely to the elimination of hunger, malnutrition, food and nutrition related diseases, environmental conservation, widespread poverty in Karamoja sub-region of Uganda. These challenges as well underpin the persistent conflicts and organized crime among the communities in the Karamoja, and if eliminated and/or significantly reduced, FAES will have contributed to realizing peace and subsequent development in the region.

The improved security, attention and mind-set change programs initiated by the current NRM government interventions since 1986 to develop the Karamoja region and bring peace to the neighborhoods, has now opened immense opportunity to build strong and resilient agricultural production systems aimed at serving the interests of the Karamojong communities as well as significantly contributing to national development. As thus, the primary niche of FAES research and teaching is responding to the needs and challenges of Karamoja’s agroecosystems. Due to the central role of livestock in livelihood and culture of the people, as well as the nature of the environment as a typical arid and semi-arid region, FAES will largely center on exploiting existing agro-pastoral and silvo-pastoral systems.

Arid and semi-arid regions present unique environments characterised by very fragile and subsistence oriented agricultural ecosystems, which are prone to severe weather uncertainties leading to droughts, water scarcity and biodiversity challenges. To this end, interventional research and work by FAES will encourage the integration of existing agro-production systems in Karamoja into well-functioning and commercial oriented agro-silvo-pastoral systems, envisaged to open and introduce alternative sources of livelihood in the communities. In arid and semi-arid regions, the agro-silvo-pastoral systems have better chances to provide relief to hunger and other risks on food systems brought mainly by weather uncertainties, conserve the environment as well as significantly improve households’ incomes, nutrition and food security. In addition, FAES will champion efforts to engage in and support large-scale farmers, protected cultivation of horticultural commodities with innovative technologies involving aspects of precision agriculture, exploitation of terrain to adopt varying levels of mechanization, for instance, the tractorisation of agriculture in Karamoja.

Our Team

Dr. Anthony Mwije Ph.D.

Dean Faculty of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences
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Dr. Paul Lochap

Head, Department of Animal and Range Sciences (DARS).
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Ms. Gertrude Akello

Member, Faculty of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences
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Dr. Apolo Katwijukye Kasharu Ph.D.

Member, Faculty of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences
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Ms. Esther Arengo

Member, Faculty of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences
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Ms. Pamela Kabod

Member, Faculty of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences
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Dr. John James Okiror Ph.D.

Head, Department of Plant and Soil Sciences (DPSS)
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To be a center of excellence in arid lands research, fostering innovation in sustainable rangeland management and community resilience to address environment, climate, livelihoods and food security challenges.


To conduct impactful research that advances sustainable livelihoods conserves rangeland ecosystems and strengthens community adaptation strategies in response to prolonged dry conditions.

Core Values

  • Accountability
  • Equity
  • Diversity
  • Inclusivity
  • Unity


1. Department of Animal and Range Sciences (DARS)

The main purpose of this department is to provide a center for research and promotion of appropriate livestock production and rangeland management expertise. Comparative techniques in animal welfare and breeding will be focused on, with a special niche on special animal products in the region like products from camels, donkeys, ostriches among others. Medicinal properties in these products make them high value products. Animal breeds that are adaptable to the environment will be emphasized on. Rangelands and their fragile status need attention, and hence this department will engage in research to address such issues.

2. Department of Plant and Soil Sciences (DPSS)

The main purpose of this department is to provide a center for research and promotion of knowledge and ideals to spur a vibrant crops production effort in the Karamoja sub-region. Partnering with existing dry land farming research centers, this department will offer world class training and build relevant human resource capacity


1. Bachelor of Science in Animal and Rangeland Sciences

This will be a four-year degree that will aim at producing experts in animal and rangelands management specialists. This will contribute to making Karamoja a livestock sector king in Uganda, supplying meats and products of rangeland animals to other areas. crop and soil sciences. Unique areas of knowledge under this program will include but not limited to; animal health, animal draught technology, special animals – camels etc., wildlife diseases, beef production, dairy production, poultry production and environmental and policy aspects in livestock production and rangelands usage. In addition, GIS and rangelands management will be covered as well as an important focus on post-harvest handling and value addition in animal products.

2. Bachelor of Science in Crop and Soil Sciences

This will be a four-year degree that will aim at producing experts in crop and soil sciences. This will produce human resources and capacity to promote the diversification of Karimojong people to seek sustainable livelihoods in plant and crop resources. Unique areas of knowledge under this program will include but not limited to; entomology, pathology, microbiology, plant breeding, plant physiology and crop physiology, agronomy, biotechnology, metabolite farming, and important focus on post-harvest handling and value addition in crop/plant products.

Another critical area of knowledge will be horticultural science to benefit the fruit, vegetable and ornamental (tourism related) enterprises as well plant nurseries (trees) to benefit environmental conservation programs and restoration programs. Protected and soilless production of valuable plants and horticultural produce will be focused. Pastures are crop plants and will be equally given attention and in all, this training will produce graduates that are able to produce things that will support the livestock sector as well. Areas of knowledge in soils also include but are not limited to soil management and conservation, fertilizer and irrigation technologies among others.

3. Diploma in Crop Production and Horticultural Science

This will be a two-to-three-year diploma program with an overall aim to rapidly run short courses and train much needed capacity or re-tooling for crop and soil science. Graduates of this diploma will also be allowed to apply for the degree program, hence offering the people in the region another pathway to attain university education in agriculture. The short turn-over of the program will be instrumental in creating foods to combat nutrition challenges as well as create a workforce in crop and horticultural value chains.

4. Diploma in Livestock Production and Rangeland Science

This will be a two-to-three-year diploma program with an overall aim to rapidly run short courses and train much needed capacity or re-tooling for animal and rangelands human resources. Graduates of this diploma will also be allowed to apply for the respective degree program, especially under mature age and diploma entry schemes. The short turnover of the program will be instrumental in creating people with skills to create a vibrant livestock sector in Karamoja.

5. Short Courses – Certificate Courses

A number of short training courses are planned that include; Home Nutrition and Economics, Pre and Post Harvest Management of Animal and Crop Products, Nursery Production and Management, Value Addition Technologies for Animal and Crop Products, for instance, skins and hides and grains etc, Animal Health and Hygiene, Crop Agriculture in Dry lands, Animal Health and Parasites Management: These will be offered to community leaders and individuals with an aim to advance skills to plan for nutrition and resources in homes. Home gardening skills and general ideas on using planning tools to ensure homes. Overall, these will be short-term solutions to make individuals and households busy and set them on a path of social change and transformation. Most of these will be interdisciplinary and will be facilitated by the Faculties of Agriculture, Education, Health and Engineering.

Department Contact Info

Christ the King Catholic Parish,

Losilang, Kotido District, Uganda, East Africa.


Mon – Fri 9:00A.M. – 5:00P.M.

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