+256 394 853532

Dr. Busingye Bazare Robert

Member Faculty of Health Sciences

He is a member of the Faculty of Health Sciences; Karamoja Peace and Technology University. He is a Member of the Health and Medical Advisory Council for the Catholic Lawyers Society International (CLASI).

Overview And Experience

Dr. Busingye Bazare Robert (MBChB, MMED, MSC Reprod. Biology) is a Senior Consultant Obstetrician and Gynecologist, specializing in reproductive medicine at Nakasero Hospital in Kampala, Uganda. He is a member of the Health and Medical Advisory Council for the Catholic Lawyers Society International (CLASI) and also serves on the Faculty of Health Sciences at Karamoja Peace and Technology University (KAPATU).

Academic Record

  • 1993-1996 M.Sc. (Reproductive Biology) University of Nairobi-Kenya.
  • 1987-1990 M.Med (Obstetrics and Gynaecology) Makerere University, Medical School.
  • 1987-1988 Postgraduate Diploma (Obstetrics) Makerere University Medical School.
  • 1980-1985 MB Ch.B. Makerere University Medical School.
  • 1979 Senior Six, Kigezi High School, Kabale.
  • 1978 Senior five, Ntare School, Mbarara.
  • 1974-1977- O-level, St Paul’s Seminary, Rushoroza, Kabale.
  • 1967-1973 Makiro Primary School, Kanungu District.