+256 774 288 534

Ms. Esther Arengo

Member, Faculty of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences

She is a Member of the Faculty of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, Karamoja Peace And Technology University.

Overview And Experience

Esther Arengo is a development professional with over 10 years of experience in agriculture and rural livelihoods. She has led in agricultural research and development programming with extensive experience in project cycle management, ensuring smooth implementation within a program. Her career has evolved to a large-scale in development planning and implementation, including programming in seed systems development for small scale farming systems, resilience, climate smart agriculture, food security postharvest handling technologies, Agricultural value addition, infrastructure development, nutrition sensitive agriculture, and natural resource management.

She has proven experience in working with donors such as BMZ, DFID, FAO, DANIDA, ISSD and USAID.

She holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Agriculture, and Certificate in Project monitoring and evaluation from UMI Uganda.


  • Arengo Esther, 2007: Assessing the agronomic traits of local cowpeas in Uganda at Makerere University Agricultural Research Institute Kabanyolo (MUARIK)
  • Development and deployment of biological control options for effective control of fall army worm in Uganda. (2016-2018)
  • Development and formulation of local isolates of Trichoderma spp. effective against bean root rot. (2012-2016)
  • Aool1*, R. Molo, E. Arengo and C. Omongo, 2016. Potential for integration of parasitoids and soil pathogenic fungi to control white fly on cassava. African Crop Science Journal
  • Aool1*, R. Molo, E. Arengo and C. Omongo, 2016. Potential for integration of parasitoids and soil pathogenic fungi to control white fly on cassava. Paper presented at the East African agricultural productivity project, end of phase i international scientific conference, 28-29TH JULY 2015. NAIROBI, KENYA.
  • Development of citrus disease diagnostics and cost-effective control options in Uganda, case study; Teso region. (2015-2018)
  • Molecular epidemiology of Ralstonia solanacearum species complex strains causing bacterial wilt of potato in Uganda.(2019)
  • Citrus production in Uganda (2017) presented at the annual citrus symposium in Jeju Island South Korea.